AURA celebrated its 30th anniversary

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On 2 May 2019 AURA opened the doors of its headquarters in Brno, Úvoz so that its employees together with more than a hundred guests could celebrate the 30 years of company success. The morning conference, at which the AURA management introduced the current company portfolio with the visions and plans for future development, was visited by guests from almost twenty foreign partner companies and dozens of representatives from domestic cooperating organizations.

A spectacular afternoon party in the premises of the Observatory and Planetarium in Brno was opened by the general director of AURA, Ing. Filip Engelsmann. In his speech, he recalled important milestones in the successful thirty-year history of the company and thanked all those who participated in the establishment and development of AURA. A number of evening birthday surprises, tastings and presentations were accompanied by the guests’ words of recognition for AURA which, in the 30 years of its existence, has reached the world’s highest standards in the field of military logistics information systems.