Studie k obranným dovednostem
Evropská komise zadala studii, jejímž cílem je získat podklady pro novou strategii rozvoje pracovních schopností pro obranný průmysl. Níže naleznete popis a odkaz na dotazník, jehož prostřednictvím je možné přispět k získání potřebných dat pro zpracovatele koncepce. Termín vyplnění je 14.9.2018.
The RAND Europe study on Defence Related Skills for the EASME/European Commission has launched a survey!
We invite you to participate in the project by RAND Europe for the European Commission. The project methodology includes a survey of the skills in the European defence industry that is distributed among relevant European stakeholders. Your participation in the project by filling in the survey is important, as the findings from the survey will feed into the development of an EU-level sectoral skills strategy that will aim to address the needs of the European defence industry.
Please complete the survey using the link
The project aims to complete the evidence base on skills in the European defence industry and draft a skills strategy for the European defence sectors in cooperation with the key stakeholders participating in the European Defence Skills Partnership (EDSP). The survey supports this initiative through primary data collection and analysis drawn from the European defence industry. The findings from the survey will feed into the development of an EU-level sectoral skills strategy that will aim to address the needs of the European defence industry.
The survey consists of two parts:
- Questions exploring general defence industry skills gaps today and as anticipated by you in future, the criticality of specific defence skills for your organisation and issues with filling vacancies for these skills and the effects of having these skills gaps on your organisation. It also covers domain-specific skills based on your area of expertise as indicated by you in the introductory part of the survey.
- Questions on skills associated to new technologies and related current and potential future skills gaps.
The information gathered through this survey will be anonymised, aggregated, and used only for the purposes of this study.
We thank you in advance for your participation and valuable insights!