Vývoj a výroba simulátorů letecké a pozemní techniky pro profesionální výcvik
Main Activities
Dogfight Boss is an innovative company that focuses on the development of next-generation aviation hardware for flight simulation in mixed reality. Their specialized simulators are designed to provide a unique and immersive experience for aviation enthusiasts and professionals alike. The company uses the latest technology to create accurate and realistic simulations of aircraft, ground vehicles, and miscellaneous instruments. An inherent part of manufacturing simulation instruments is integration into existing simulation environments (eg. image generators or simulation systems) and with 3rd party hardware. Dogfight Boss also supplies standalone instrument panels that are an inseparable part of their simulators. A high level of fidelity, realistic haptics, and visual experience allow users to benefit from more authentic flight training. Dogfight Boss is based in Brno and is made up of a team of passionate professionals who have extensive experience in the aviation and simulator development industries. Their goal is to create high-quality, affordable products that provide an unparalleled level of realism and immersion.
Ulice / Street
Purkyňova 99a
Město / City
612 00
Letecká technika a její zařízení, Vývoj výcvik a opravárenství