Pozvánka na Číši vína v rámci veletrhu Future Forces International Exhibition

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Vážení členové,

v příloze zasíláme pozvánku na Číši vína, která se uskuteční ve čtvrtek 20.10.2022 od 11:00 hod na stánku AOBP ČR Hala 3, č. 301 u příležitosti podpisu Memoranda of Understanding se španělskou asociací AESMIDE. Za španělskou asociaci budou přítomni také zástupci firem ITURRI, I4-S a FECSA (viz profily níže). V případě zájmu o B2B jednání s těmito firmami, prosíme, kontaktuje pan Mgr. et Mgr. Daniela Svobodu na email svoboda@aobp.cz

    • Mr. Pablo Sanchez de la Fuente (ID 46841075B), Sales Director Defence
    • ITURRI is interested in meeting potential partners in Czech Republic and Central and Eastern Europe in the areas of soldier systems, combat garments and footwear, PPE, special military vehicles and refueling units.
  • I4-S
    • Mr. Laurent Seryes (ID X2047137E; Passport: 13AA64559), CEO
    • Mr. Enrique Graullera Sancho (ID 02532518B), Sales Director
    • Taking advantage that I-4S has an active contract on tents with NSPA to cover the NATO community needs. Identify a CZE company interested in exploring further cooperation to cover CZE MOD needs.
    • Mr. Francisco González Guillot (ID 02266591X), Business Development Executive – International sales Division
    • Historically FECSA has based its work on the tailoring of military and state security service uniforms. From its beginnings with the Madrid City Council, through the process of outsourcing for the Spanish Armed Forces, it has managed to expand and consolidate itself internationally up to the present day where FECSA works in close collaboration with its foreign counterparts in outsourcing processes for other European countries’ governments and ministries.In recent decades the company has specialized in the development and production of textile and ballistic products that offer ballistic, fire retardant, outweather and CBRN protection. We have several product models among hundreds of other options, both for Armed Forces and Police and Security Forces.
      • Our intention in the Czech Republic is to contact companies with the same profile and establish contacts for future collaborations in the Czech national market and other countries in the field of technical uniformity.
      • We have already begun to have some first relations with a commercial agent in the country and we consider that this will be a good opportunity to secure our commercial relationship during the Forum (NORITEK s.r.o. / Mr. Jiri Votypka / Phone: +420 602 423 156). However, we are open to other proposals.