Hodnocení dopadu směrnice EU – možnost řešit tranzitní licence

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Vážení členové,

Komise EU provádí hodnocení směrnice 2009/43 o zjednodušení transferu vojenského materiálu uvnitř EU. Komisařka Bienkowská dopisem presidentu AOBP přislíbila řešit problém tranzitních licencí v rámci tohoto hodnocení. Níže v textu je možné si otevřít dotazník k  problematice licencí (30 otázek), které pro Komisi zpracovává kontraktor. Na závěr je možné se vyjádřit, jak je možné zvýšit účinek směrnice. Doporučuji všem firmám vyplnit dotazník  a v otázce 30 vyjádřit se právě k tranzitním licencím. Čím více firem se vyjádří, tím silněji pak můžeme na Komisi působit. Jedním z argumentů pro nečinnost Komise v této problematice je, že nemá podklady od firem, tedy dotčených subjektů a intervence ze strany AOBP není dostatečně legitimní. Dotazník je možné vyplnit z každého počítače, ale pouze jednou. Kromě tohoto dotazníku bude stejný kontraktor realizovat zvláštní studii o tranzitních licencích, k čemuž budou probíhat speciální konzultace počátkem září AOBP a některými firmami.

Vážení členové, jedná se reálně o jednu z posledních možností, jak celou problematiku posunout k pozitivnějšímu řešení. Prosíme proto o Vaši podporu a reakci na dotazník. Pro Vaši rychlou orientaci jsme dotazník stáhli z webu a přikládáme jej zde. Vyplnit se ale musí on-line. Podrobnosti jsou uvedeny níže.


FOR THE ATTENTION OF:   National Defence Industry Associations and ASD

Copy: pMS and Norway NAD PoCs,  SoS Experts/PoCs and DAEN Experts

The European Defence Agency, under its role as an interface to wider EU policies impacting defence, is coordinating with the Commission in order to raise awareness and increase the input of Member States Ministries of Defence as well as defence industry, on issues related to the implementation of Directive 2009/43/EC. This communication is considered as a step towards achieving these goals.

Directive 2009/43/EC of May 2009 simplifying terms and conditions of transfers of defence-related products within the Community (also referred to as Intra-European Union (EU)/Community Transfers (ICT) Directive) entered into force in 2009, and was transposed into national legislation across all Member States and EEA countries by 2012.

The European Commission has to review the implementation of the Directive and report to the European Parliament and Council by June 2016.

The Commission has contracted the independent consultancy Technopolis |group| to evaluate the implementation, uptake and impact of the Directive, and to provide recommendations to address any identified problems, in view of supporting the Commission in the preparation of its report.

A central aspect of the evaluation is a survey-based consultation with representatives of the European defence industry. A questionnaire for this purpose is available online, and can be accessed at the following address:


According to Technopolis, the questionnaire seeks to gauge industry’s familiarity with and use of various aspects of the Directive (including transfer licences and certification), and to gather views, experiences and feedback on the implementation and impact of the Directive.

The survey has been kept short and simple, and should provide an opportunity for companies to give input on a range of issues, and to provide important evidence for the study. The consultation will run until Friday 18th September 2015.

Technopolis has also informed EDA that all responses obtained through the consultation will be treated in the strictest confidence, in line with EU legislation on data protection.  Information will only be passed to the Commission and published in an aggregated and non-attributable form.

In order to ensure as many relevant organisations as possible are able to input to this consultation, industry associations are being asked for their support in promoting the survey. Specifically, you are kindly requested to contact your members, to notify them of the consultation and to encourage them to participate.

If you would like further information or have any questions, please contact a member of the study team directly, at the following address: defence@technopolis-group.com. Thank you in advance for your actions.